Highlights from past years
Journal Articles
- Gibney, M.J. and Forde, C.G. (2022). Nutrition Research Challenges for Processed Food and Health. Nature Food. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43016-021-00457-9
- Teo,
P.S., Tan, V.T.W., Choy, M.J., R. Janani, Lim., A., Goh, A.T.,
McCrickerd, K.and Forde, C.G. (2022). Texture-based differences in
eating rate moderate energy intake for unprocessed and ultra-processed
meals. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Volume 116, Issue 1, July 2022, Pages 244–254. https://doi.org/10.1093/ajcn/nqac068
- Forde, C.G. and De Graaf, K. (2022).“Sensory
Influence’s, Food Choice, Energy intake and Satiation: Recent
developments and future directions”. In: Flavour: From Food to
Behaviors, Wellbeing and Health, (Eds.)
- Forde, C.G. and Decker, E. (2022). The
Importance of Food Processing and Eating Behavior in Promoting Healthy
and Sustainable Diets. Annual Reviews in Nutrition. 2022. 42:377–99. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-nutr-062220030123.
- Forde, C.G. and De Graaf, K. (2022). Influence of Sensory Properties in Moderating Eating Behaviors and Food Intake. Frontiers in Nutrition (Accepted in Press). https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnut.2022.841444/abstract
- Forde,
C.G. and Bolhuis, D. (2022). Interrelations Between Food Form, Texture
and Matrix on Energy Intake and Metabolic Responses. Current Nutrition Reports. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13668-022-00413-4.
- Gibney, M. J. (2022). Food texture trumps food processing in the regulation of energy intake. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 116(1), 9-10. https://doi.org/10.1093/ajcn/nqac104
- R.
Janani, Tan, V.K.W., Choy, M. J.Y., Lim., A., Goh, A.T., Teo, P.S.,
Stieger, M. and Forde, C.G., (2023). Independent and Combined Impact of
Texture Manipulation on Oral Processing Among Faster and Slower Eaters. Food and Function 13, 9340 – 9354 https://doi.org/10.1039/D2FO00485B.
- Heuven,
L.A.J., de Graaf, K., Forde, C.G. and Bolhuis, D.P. (2022). Al dente or
well done? How the eating rate of a pasta dish is modified by the
eating rate of its components. (Under review Food Quality and Preference).
- Forde,
C.G. (2023). Beyond Ultra-processed”; Considering the Future Role of
Food Processing in Human Health. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society
(In Press). https://doi.org/10.1017/S0029665123003014
- Heuven, L. A., de Graaf, K., Forde, C. G., & Bolhuis, D. P. (2023). Al dente or well done? How the eating rate of a pasta dish can be predicted by the eating rate of its components. Food Quality and Preference, 108, 104883. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodqual.2023.104883
- Lasschuijt, M., Camps, G., Mars, M., Siebelink, E., de Graaf, K., & Bolhuis, D. (2023). Speed limits: the effects of industrial food processing and food texture on daily energy intake and eating behaviour in healthy adults. European Journal of Nutrition, 62(7), 2949-2962. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00394-023-03202-z
Bolhuis, D. P., Wouters, A., & Heuven, L. A. J. (2024). Bread buns or slices? Variations of bread shape modifies ad libitum intake of bread and toppings. Food Quality and Preference, 115, 105127.
Bolhuis, D. P., Roodenburg, A. J. C., Groen, A. P. J. P., & Huybers, S. (2024). Dutch consumers' attitude towards industrial food processing. Appetite, 201, 107615
. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2024.107615
Heuven, L. A. J., van Bruinessen, M., Tang, C. S., Stieger, M., Lasschuijt, M. P., & Forde, C. G. (2024). Consistent effect of eating rate on food and energy intake across twenty-four ad libitum meals. British Journal of Nutrition, 1–12.
Heuven, L. A. J., Dekker, M., Renzetti, S., & Bolhuis, D. P. (2024). The eating rate of bread predicted from its sensory texture and physical properties. Food & function, 15(24), 12244–12255.
Restructure Communication 2022-24
- Forde, C.G. (2022). “Exploring the potential of Sensory to Enhance Quality of Life”. Monell Chemical Senses Centre Seminar Series, 18th of January 2022.
- Forde, C.G. (2022). “Better
Living Through Sensory; Understanding how Sensory Cues can help Reform
our Eating Behaviours and Improve our Food Environment”. Institute for Food Science and Technology (UK), Invited Spring Seminar Series, 30th March 2022.
- Forde, C.G. (2022). ‘Processed
foods and Health – Understanding how Sensory and Eating Behaviours Can
Support Efforts to Improve the Modern Food Environment’. The Nutrition Society, Summer Conference 2022, Sheffield Hallam University, 12th-15th July, 2022.
- Forde, C.G. (2022). “Better
Living Through Sensory; Understanding how Sensory Cues can Help Reform
our Eating Behaviours and Improve our Food Environment”. Institute for Food Science and Technology (UK), Invited Spring Seminar Series, 30th March 2022.
- Heuven,
L., de Graaf, K, Forde, C.G. and Bolhuis, D. (2022). Al dente or well
done? How the eating rate of a pasta dish is modified by the eating rate
of its components. 46th British Feeding and Drinking Group Meeting, April 10-12th 2023.
- Forde, C.G. (2022). ‘Beyond
Ultra-Processing – Understanding how Sensory and Eating Behaviours can
Support Efforts to Improve the Modern Food Environment’. The Nutrition Society, Summer Conference 2022, Sheffield Hallam University, 12th-15th July, 2022.
- De Graaf, K. and Forde, C.G. (2022). ‘Food texture, energy intake and food processing’. Presentation at the Clinical Centre ,the National Institutes of Health Clinical Centre, Bethesda, Maryland, 5th of September 2022.
- Forde, C.G. (2022). ‘Introduction to the RESTRUCTURE RCT’.
Presentation to the Department of Food and Nutritional Science, Penn
State University, State University, State College, Pennsylvania, 8th of
September 2022.
- Heuven, L. Bolhuis, D. and Dekker, M. (2022) The
eating rate of bread explained by its instrumental and sensory texture
attributes. 5th Food Structure and Functionality Symposium, Cork,
Ireland, 18th – 21st September 2022 (poster).
- Bolhuis, D and
Heuven, L. (2022) Variations of shape of bread and spreadable surface
areas on energy intake; 5th Food Structure and Functionality Symposium,
Cork, Ireland, 18th – 21st September 2022 (poster).
- Heuven, L.,
de Graaf, K, Forde, C.G. and Bolhuis, D. (2022). Al dente or well done?
How the eating rate of a pasta dish is modified by the eating rate of
its components. NAV, Nutritional science days, Netherlands. October
6-7th 2022.
- Forde, C.G. (2022). ‘Application of Sensory-Nutrition to Improve the Modern Food Environment’. (Invited Plenary) The 36th European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFOST) International Congress, November 7-10th 2022, Dublin Ireland.
- Forde, C.G. (2022). ‘The Role of Food Processing in Healthy and Sustainable Diets (Invited talk and panel discussion). The 36th European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFOST) International Congress, November 7-10th 2022, Dublin Ireland.
- Forde, C.G. (2022). “A Critical Appraisal of the impact of ultra-processed foods in human health”. Invited Seminar to ILSI-Philippines, November 15th 2022.
- Forde, C.G. (2022). “Opportunities and Challenges with Food Processing and Formulation; The RESTRUCTURE RCT”. Invited speaker, World Sugar Research Organisation Annual Scientific Meeting, Canary Wharf London, November 21st 2022.
- Forde,
C.G. (2022). “Food processing and Human health; Introduction to the
RESTRUCTURE RCT”. Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute Annual Scientific
Committee, Naas, Co Kildare Ireland, November 10th, 2022.
- Bermingham, K., Spector, T., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Wolf, J. Forde, C.G., Berry, S. (2023) Slower self-reported eating rate is associated with favourable cardio-metabolic risk factors in UK adults. Nutrition Society Winter Meeting, 23-25th January 2023, London, United Kingdom.
- Forde,
C.G. and Heuven, L. (2023). The RESTRUCTURE RCT to test the effect of
food texture in moderating energy intake from Ultra-processed diets.
(Invited) United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) workshop on ‘Developing a research roadmap about processed foods, food processing, and human health in the context of the US food system”. Hot Springs Arkansas United States of America 1st – 3rd of March, 2023.
- Forde, C.G. (2023). “Beyond Ultra-processed; What drives energy intake from processed foods?” (Invited) National Dairy Council, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 23rd of March 2023.
- Forde, C.G. (2023). ‘Food Reformulation and Processing; Introduction to the RESTRUCTURE RCT” (Invited) The Association for Chemosensory Sciences, (AChems), Bonita Springs, Florida, United States, 19th– 23rd of April 2023.
- Heuven,
L. Lasschuijt, M., Siebelink, E., Chen, Y., Forde, C.G. (2023). The
Combined Impact of Eating Rate and Energy Density on Ad libitum Energy
Intake. 47th British Feeding and Drinking Group, Leeds, UK, 13-14th April, 2023.
- Forde,
C.G. (2023). “The impact of food texture on eating behaviour and energy
intake”. (Invited) Ferrero MSc. Course Alba, Italy, 25th of May 2023.
- Forde,
C.G., (2023). “The RESTRUCTURE RCT; Understanding the impact of eating
behavior on energy intake from Ultra-Processed Foods”. (Invited).
Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Research (IAFNS)
Symposium on Food Processing and Health, Washington DC, USA, 16-17th of May 2023.
- Stieger,
M., Van Bruinessen, M. Heuven, L. Lasschuijt, M., Siebelink, E. and
Forde, C.G. (2023). Deconstructing the texture drivers of energy intake;
the RESTRUCTURE RCT. 15th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Nantes, France, 20-24th of August 2023.
- Forde, C.G. (2023). Understanding that what we eat, can be used to change how we eat; overview of the RESTRUCTURE RCT (Invited Plenary Talk). 15th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Nantes, France, 20-24th of August 2023.
- Forde,
C.G. (2023). “Ultra-processing or Oral processing? the impact of Food
Texture on energy intake and metabolic health” (Invited Keynote).
European Chemosensory Research Organization (ECRO) Nijmegen, the
Netherlands, September 18th -21st 2023.
- Forde,
C.G. (2023). “How the texture of processed foods influences oral
processing, energy intake and metabolism- the RESTRUCTURE RCT” (Invited
symposium “Alternative Views on Processed Foods”). 14th Federation for European Nutrition Societies (FENS), 14-17th of November, Belgrade Serbia.
- van Bruinessen M. Heuven, L., Siebelink, E., de Graaf, C. Stieger, M. Lasschuijt, M., Forde, C.G. (2023) Testing the sustained effect of eating rate on food intake. 14th European nutrition conference FENS, Belgrade, Serbia, 14-17th November 2023.
- Forde, C.G. (2024). “Influences of Food Texture and Oral processing on Energy intake and Metabolism”. (Invited Key note) Norwegian Technology Platform – Food for Life Annual Meeting, As, Norway, May 23rd 2024.
- Forde, C.G., (2024). Invited Seminar on Food Structure and Oral Processing. University of Ghent, 17th June 2024.
You can find here some of the most relevant studies that RESTRUCTURE builds on.
- Dieuwerke
P. Bolhuis, Ciarán G. Forde, Application of food texture to moderate
oral processing behaviors and energy intake, Trends in Food Science
& Technology, Volume 106, 2020, Pages 445-456, ISSN 0924-2244. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tifs.2020.10.021
- Forde,
C. G., Mars, M., & de Graaf, K. (2020). Ultra-Processing or Oral
Processing? A Role for Energy Density and Eating Rate in Moderating
Energy Intake from Processed Foods. Current developments in nutrition,
4(3), nzaa019. https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzaa019
- Montero,
C et al, (2019). Ultra-processed foods: what they are and how to
identify them. Public Health Nutrition: 22(5), 936–941 https://doi.org/10.1017/S1368980018003762
2015 Obesity Collaborators. (2017) Health effects of overweight and
obesity in 195 countries over 25 years. New England Journal of Medicine,
377(1), 13-27. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1614362
World Health Organization (WHO, 2020) Obesity and overweight.
- Rolls,
Barbara & Cunningham, Paige & Diktas, Hanim. (2020). Properties
of Ultraprocessed Foods That Can Drive Excess Intake. Nutrition Today.
55. 109-115. DOI: 10.1097/NT.0000000000000410
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