The clinical trial is underway: pre-data analysis scripts and detailed study methods
New Restructure findings show that bread shape influences energy intake
Participant recruitment for the clinical trial now open
The pre-registration of the Restructure trial is now open, you can find all the details at
Participant recruitment has started and currently screening prospective participants to start in January.
Marieke from RESTRUCTURE receives 1st price for best oral presentation at FENS
Marieke van Bruinessen, the PhD candidate from Wageningen University & Research (WUR) working on the RESTRUCTURE trial presented won an award for Best Oral Presentation at FENS 2023!
Marieke presented data from the Prestructure study on testing the Read more
RESTRUCTURE partners presented at 15th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium in Nantes, France
The 15th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium was held in Nantes, France between 20-24th August and was attended by over 1200 academics and industry researchers. The Sensory Science and Eating Behaviour (SSEB) Chair group was well represented with 14 members Read more
Emeritus Prof. and RESTRUCTURE Partner Kees de Graaf receives prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award.
We are delighted and proud to congratulate Emeritus Prof. Kees de Graaf (and RESTRUCUTRE partner) on receiving the 2023 Food Quality and Preference Lifetime Achievement Award at the recent Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium held in Nantes, France between 20-24th August Read more
New study from RESTRUCTURE suggests consumption of hard textured foods can reduce daily energy intake of UPFs.
Marlou Lasschuijt, an Assistant Professor in the Sensory Science and Eating Behavior group at Wageningen University, along with project partners, has recently released a new study titled “Speed Limits: The Effects of Industrial Food Processing and Food Texture on Read more
Beyond Ultra-processed: Considering the Future role of Food Processing in Human Health.
While traditional dietary guidelines have focused on nutrient composition, recent studies have shifted emphasis away from nutrients to consider the effect of food processing on energy intake and body weight. Some countries have proposed guidelines to avoid highly Read more
A meal with sauce goes down faster
Eating an apple in its natural form takes much longer than consuming a serving of applesauce made from a single apple. The variation in eating time is primarily attributed to food texture. Lise Heuven, PhD student and RESTRUCTURE project Read more
Processing the evidence to evaluate mechanisms, costs and future solutions
To read full editorial by RESTRUCTURE project partner Ciarán G. Forde:
The current issue of Nutrition Bulletin discusses the topic of ultra-processed foods (UPF) based on a roundtable discussion held at the British Nutrition Foundation. The article emphasizes Read more
Prof. Ciarán Forde contributed at the conference on “Food Processing Classification Systems” from IAFNS
Chairholder of the Sensory Science and Eating Behaviour group Prof. Ciarán Forde was recently invited to contribute to the Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutritional Science (IAFNS) two-day conference on “Food Processing Classification Systems”. The meeting brought Read more
New study from RESTRUCTURE demonstrates how the eating rate of a dish can be predicted from that of its components
Ever wondered why it takes longer to eat some meals instead of others? For years researchers have known that eating faster promotes increased energy intake, but can we change people’s eating behaviours using the sensory properties of the foods Read more